A special thanks to the dairy farmers and the veterinarians (DVM) which worked together with us over the years, to have milk quality and cow health automatically analysed on their milking robots (also called AMS or VMS, robotic milking). On common robot brands, the Ekomilk - AMP robot version is now fully tested and available for ordering.

Yes I want free milk analysis on my milking robot
To the many Eurotier visitors: thanks for your visit , the new Ekomilk-AMP mini-lab and the milking robot version are now available for ordering. Evaluation conditions are available in certain countries, please contact us.

Yes I want to evaluate an Ekomilk-AMP system
If you (DVM vets or farm?) are looking for reliable mastitis management services, we highly recommend the inspiring professionals & academics of Mexcellence & M team Ugent.

Ekomilk-AMP system introduction (pdf)
Ekomilk Horizon Unlimited (EHU and EHUR), Ekomilk Horizon Essential (EHE and EHER), AMPI Sample Feeder (SF)